Look look everybody
It's fun, isn't it?
Gnawing, licking and plunging claws into
Lots of kind of things
Meow Meow
I gotta go home now
A gentle place that I found
Before I knew it
I'm happy
Full of milk pleases me
Being rubbed after playing makes me happy
It's time to eat
And I'm full with yummy stuff
And lie down feeling happy
Flop... Sleepy...
Well well taking a walk
Where's a bag?
It's gone, turn around and look for it
And everybody else's gone
Meow Meow
I wanna go back home
I quit being all alone
I go back home in hurry
To say "I'm home"
Wiggling my tail, "Yoroshiku"
Stretch stretch stretch and jump onto bed
Let me tell you my story
I went on an adventure, was excited!
But here is the best place
Unyanya? Unyanya!
I'm happy
Full of milk pleases me
Being rubbed after playing makes me happy
It's time to eat
It's fun, isn't it?
Gnawing, licking and plunging claws into
Lots of kind of things
Meow Meow
I gotta go home now
A gentle place that I found
Before I knew it
I'm happy
Full of milk pleases me
Being rubbed after playing makes me happy
It's time to eat
And I'm full with yummy stuff
And lie down feeling happy
Flop... Sleepy...
Well well taking a walk
Where's a bag?
It's gone, turn around and look for it
And everybody else's gone
Meow Meow
I wanna go back home
I quit being all alone
I go back home in hurry
To say "I'm home"
Wiggling my tail, "Yoroshiku"
Stretch stretch stretch and jump onto bed
Let me tell you my story
I went on an adventure, was excited!
But here is the best place
Unyanya? Unyanya!
I'm happy
Full of milk pleases me
Being rubbed after playing makes me happy
It's time to eat
And I'm full with yummy stuff
And lie down feeling happy
I'm happy as long as I'm at home
And lie down feeling happy
I'm happy as long as I'm at home

ade orang kate sopan sangat. ape yang sopannye? alamak Liza, tak leh berhenti wat lukisan2 la. ak just nak cari the best pic jer. huhu. jgn marah~
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