kesian aku punya facebook. aku dah lama tak online fb, tetiba satu hari aku dapat komen kat fb yang aku wat wall post untuk iklan pasal cara2 nak kuruskan badan. sengal seyh. suka2 hati jer pergunakan aku. sampailah aku dapat email macam ni:
Dear Huda Mcgyver,
We have detected suspicious activity on your Facebook account and have temporarily suspended your account as a security precaution. It is possible thatmalicious software was downloaded to your computer or that your password was stolen by a phishing website designed to look like Facebook.
You can regain control of your account by logging into Facebook and following the on-screen instructions.
Please be sure to visit the Facebook Help Center for further information regarding these security issues and let us know if you need assistance.
sesapa yang ada fb aku, yang dapat wall post karut dari aku, aku mintak maaf oke. itu bukan aku.
apa puncanya eks?
Miss Anis Syahirah kata sebab aku tak logout fb. betul la kot sebab aku memang tak pernah logout fb kat pc aku. huhu~

Dear Huda Mcgyver,
We have detected suspicious activity on your Facebook account and have temporarily suspended your account as a security precaution. It is possible thatmalicious software was downloaded to your computer or that your password was stolen by a phishing website designed to look like Facebook.
You can regain control of your account by logging into Facebook and following the on-screen instructions.
Please be sure to visit the Facebook Help Center for further information regarding these security issues and let us know if you need assistance.
sesapa yang ada fb aku, yang dapat wall post karut dari aku, aku mintak maaf oke. itu bukan aku.
apa puncanya eks?
Miss Anis Syahirah kata sebab aku tak logout fb. betul la kot sebab aku memang tak pernah logout fb kat pc aku. huhu~
ReplyDeletebetul dowh..
pernah jadi kat myspace aku dulu..
aku delete myspace..pastu tah macam mane, aku check, ada balik myspace ID aku..
aku login, terkejut sbb account aku active lagi tapi suspended gak la..
aku ubah semua, pastu aku delete betul2..check balik, memang delete abis..
haha..sentiasa berjaga2 je..n selalu lah logout, wlupun gune laptop sndiri..
bahaya juga ye klu tak logout sesuatu account....
ReplyDeletekena hati-hati...
#anis: tu la.dah tau tu still tak logout lagi kan. hohoho..baik lah aku akan beringat2 untuk logout any account. huhuhu. neway, thanx~
ReplyDelete#ixora: berhati2 lah ye. logout blog tu.. tak pasal2 nanti kuar post yang entahape2ntah.. hehehe
ReplyDeletesalam kembara..
ReplyDeletehaku kene ngan google g beh..
baru apply adhesense tu..
dan2 dia anto email kat haku yg permohonan haku dirijek psl kesalahan haku megklik iklan senirik..
iklan pon xde g..
mmg bangang google tu..
haih.. aku bersimpati pada ko..
ReplyDeletepatutla aku dah tak nampak iklan gugel kat blog ko..
walking blog here
ReplyDeletethank you for coming~