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Wednesday, 27 April 2011

aku ni dah macam kembali ke alam universiti. dulu2, malam mesti masa untuk futsal. weekend pun futsal. mana2 pun futsal. tengah malam sampai awal pagi baru sibuk2 nak siapkan thesis la assignment lah. hari2 jadual pack. sampai kalau orang nak jumpa aku kene wat appointment dulu lah senang cerita. nasib baik kat hostel ade provide mesin basuh, nak makan merempit je sikit pergi cafe. bezanya dulu tak de gaji tapi ade lah scholar sket. kalo result jatuh pun, takpe..final nanti buat lah betul2. tak pon bodek2 lecturer kasi up sket markah. alah, satu markah lagi nak A+ takkan tak boleh kot.. kalau assignment tak siap lagi, boleh la bodek2 ngan lecturer lagi mintak tangguh masa sikit..ye tak?
tapi sekarang dah lain. sama tapi tak serupa. alahai. thesis kene siapkan cepat. jumaat ni dah due. material utk meeting tak buat lagi. belum amek kire kerja2 yang makin hari makin banyak tak setel2. takde istilah tangguh2. sepanjang masa kene review. haih rindu pulak zaman belajar. tahu nak enjoy je. baru aku paham ape yang M.U.H. cuba sampaikan. LALALALA KERJALAH!!!
okeh. masa untuk kembali kepada realiti
perasaan itu masih merantai hati

Saturday, 23 April 2011

It's not always easy but we can all try! Interesting article to share........ 
Don't over eat and don't encourage your family members and friends to overeat - unless you wish to shorten their healthy living and perhaps die younger! 
An interesting article about eating too full....

In Today's Dr Lee Newsletter Issue:      What's wrong with eating too full? 

"The more you eat, the sooner you die. The lesser you eat, the longer you live." This is what Dr Lee always says in his health talk. He also mentions, "Eating too full causes all sort of health problems such as hypertension, diabetes, stroke, etc."

Why eating too full is so harmful to your health? What can you do about it?

Mice experiment
To see how eating habit affects life span, a professor from University of Texas did an experiment on mice.
For 1st group of 100 mice, he let them eat without any restriction, just like a buffet meal.
The 2nd group was fed only 60% full. 
The 3rd group was given food without restriction too. But this time, he reduced protein content to half. 
After 2.5 years, guess how many mice were still alive out of 100?
* 1st group (eat without restriction) - only 13 mice was alive. Opsss...
* 2nd group (eat 60% full) - 97 mice was still alive. Only 3 mice died.
* 3rd group (eat without restriction with protein cut half) - 50 mice still alive. 

What can we learn from these results?
Firstly, eating too full is really harmful to your body. Secondly, eat 60% full if you want to live longer and healthier. Thirdly, taking too much protein is harmful to your body too. We don't need so much protein after all.

Overworking body 
Imagine having a small family car. Instead of using it for short travel between home and office, you use it for long distance travel between different cities every day. Instead of using it 1 hour a day, you use it for 10 hours a day. Instead of driving at 70 km/h, you always speed up to 170 km/h, hitting engine's red line.               

Can you estimate your car life span? Do you expect having various problems with your car after a short time? Driving your car at high speed for a long time is like always eating too full. You force your body to always work at its red line.                  

Do you know digestion is the most demanding work for your body? Think about the organs involved such as your mouth, stomach, liver, pancreas, duodenum and intestine. Think about the length of digestive tract from your mouth to intestine. 
By eating too full, your body zaps up much of your energy for digestion. Otherwise, this energy may be used for other purpose such as enhancing your immune system. Do you realize you become very tired easily after a big meal? That is the sign of your body working hard to digest all the food you take in.        

If you eat an extra bowl of noodle, your pancreas has to produce extra insulin hormone to process the extra carbohydrates you take. Your liver, stomach and intestine also have to produce extra enzymes to digest and process specific nutrients from that bowl of noodle. Therefore the more you eat, the harder your body has to work to process it. Of course, we must eat to survive. But we don't have to eat that much!  

If you drive your car slowly and handle it gently, you can use it for a long time. But if you always floor the accelerator and drive like a rally driver, you know the consequence on your car life span. 

Side effect of eating
Your car engine burns fuel to move your car and bring you to anywhere you like to go. As a result, the engine produces exhaust smoke which is toxic. It must be dispersed out from your car. Similarly, your body cell burns nutrient for energy to survive. In the process, it produces free radicals. Since free radical is toxic to your body, it has to be neutralized and expelled.

"Just metabolizing food especially fatty and carbohydrate-rich fare causes the body to produce free radicals, which attack cells and can promote the development of chronic conditions including heart disease, diabetes and cancer," says Ronald L. Prior, Ph.D. Of course, your body can control free radicals in small quantity. But the more you eat the more free radicals your body produces. Without adequate control, these free radicals easily attack your body cells and eventually cause all sort of diseases.                                               

Good eating habit
After knowing the harmful effect of eating too full, what's your choice? Do you want to live longer, just like the second group mice in the experiment? Or do you want to risk ending your life earlier, just like the first group mice? If you wish to live longer, here are some tips you can follow:

1. Always eat until 70% full. Do not exceed 80% full. You may want to stop eating when you feel slightly full.                                      

2. Avoid having buffet style meal which makes it harder to control how much you eat. Instead, prepare the food you want to eat in a plate. After finishing it, don't add anymore food.                           
3. Leaving the dining table earlier may prevent you from picking some extra food to eat.

4. It is always a good idea to prepare lesser food in the first place. Some people are afraid of having not enough food for everyone. Actually, lesser food is beneficial for everyone. In a restaurant, order in small amount first. You can always add in some extra order if necessary. But if you can get by with the original smaller order, that's great.
Remember this: You have higher chance of overeating if you serve more food on the table. You have better chance of not overeating if you serve less food.

5. Avoid stuffing your fridge with ice cream, chocolate or other dessert. You cannot eat what you do not have.

6. When someone prepares a big plate of food for you, look at it first. Ask yourself, "Do I want to stuff it all into my stomach?" If your answer is no, just put aside some food to another empty plate first. After finishing your food, look back at the extra food on that new plate. Say to yourself, "Phew! Luckily I didn't stuff that portion into my stomach."             
7. When you get too hungry before your meal time, just take some fruit instead of heavy meal.

The tendency to overeat is very high for modern people. Do you know most monks only eat twice a day ?

They wake up at 4am, meditate and say their prayer. Later they have their simple breakfast at 7am. Before 12pm, they have their lunch. That's all for them. They eat no more after that. No tea break. No dinner. No supper. They still look strong and energetic. Of course, we don't have to eat like them. But it reminds us we can eat less and stay healthy. So remember to eat only 70% full if you want to stay healthy.

senang cerita ikut Sunnah Nabi Muhammad SAW. makan ketika lapar, berhenti sebelum kenyang. renung2kan dan selamat beramal.

Wednesday, 20 April 2011

ada sang kucen. rindu kat aku katenyer. hehehe.. ade mase kite jumpe yer..miau..miau..

Even though we've changed and we're all finding our own place in the world, we all know that when the tears fall or the smile spreads across our face, we'll come to each other because no matter where this crazy world takes us, nothing will ever change so much to the point where we're not all still friends - thinkexist.com


Sunday, 17 April 2011

Jumaat hari tu adalah satu pagi yang indah - cuti. yay. cuci seluar track, cuci setokin.. berus sendiri lak tuh. bangga aku seketika. tukar air akuarium. kesian ikan asek mati. tapi kali ni macam best sket sebab sekor je yang mati sejak beberapa bulan dulu. hehe. balik Gombak cuci baju selebihnya. biasalah anak dara yang berkerjaya memang selalu guna washing machine. teknologi hujung jari lah katekan. tinggalkan washing machine tu pepandailah dia cuci baju2 aku, keluar rumah.

keluar. tu je lah kejenye. bak kate mak aku lah. ape salahnye. jauh perjalanan luas pemandangan.ngeh ngeh. aku terus pergi The Mines. hanya bersarungkan T-shirt dan seluar jeans. of course bertudung kan. aku kan sopan kena lah jaga tatasusila peribadi. ecece.. aku janji jumpa kawan2 pukul 12:30 tapi mana ntah minah2 tu lambat beno sampai. dah la lambat, boleh pulak mesej aku katenye dah sampai Subway padahal parking kete pon belum. memang cari nahas deorang ni..

aku tak kesahlah. fikirkan nak duduk sensorang kat Subway tunggu makcik2 tu sampai sambil tengok2 cruise. mane lah tahu ade mamat2 hensem boleh diusha2kan, ade rezeki untuk mata. haha. aku turun tangga untuk ke destinasi. turung tangga dengan harapan turun kalori sekali. hehe. tetibe ada pulak sorang mamat - abang black aka AB sedang naik tangga - tegor aku. apesal entah aku ni tetiba jadi pemurah. aku senyum ajelah. tak bape tawar, adelah rasa manis sket. suam2 kuku. aku terus blah. tapi rasa tak selesa. aku pandang dekat cermin kedai2 yang aku lalui, aku nampak bayang AB tadi - sedang follow aku. bahaya. alarm! alarm!

aku kira2 nak masuk Subway pura2 beli makanan sambi tunggu kawan2, tapi Subway tak ramai orang. aku jalan terus. "oke Huda jangan perasan. mungkin itu perasaan saja. dia nak pergi tempat laen kot". aku masuk kedai Adidas pura2 tengok kasut futsal yang dah berkali2 aku tengok 3x seminggu sekurang2nya. naik muak pun ade gak, tapi terpaksa. tengah kepak2 test tapak kasut tetiba AB datang sebelah, "shoe?". "hei, ko sengal ke ape? terang2 ni kasut kan. takkan tahi kot?" kata aku tepat ke muka dia.

tapi suara tu hanya boleh didengari oleh hati aku. tidaaaaakkk ape aku nak buat ni.. aku lari, pergi ke kawasan baju. belek2. aku nampak dia sedang menghampiri, aku pusing balik tengok kasut tadi. dia datang sebelah sambil ajukan soalan yang sama. arghhhhh... aku buat tak tahu. mundar2 mandir aku dalam kedai tu. alahai. sekilas aku nampak dia berbual2 dekat tepon, yes! dia pusing pandang tempat lain. cepat2 aku cabut pergi Guardian.

nasib baik Guardian tu agak semak & sesak. nyorok sikit.. intai2 luar. dia ada depan Guardian mundar mandir. tolong lah blah dengan segera. aku tak tahu dan tak mahu tahu ape yang ko nak. aku cek zip jeans aku, terkatup kemas jer. aku tengok muka cermin takde tahi hidung pon. so aku tahu dia bukan nak bagi tahu ape2 yang sedang memalukan aku. 10 minit dalam Guardian, aku memberanikan diri keluar. pergi Subway menungu kawan2. tapi mata aku meliar gak mana lah tahu tetibe "surprise!!! are you trying to escape?".. huwa mahu aku jerit satu mines. aku ni nampak je berbadan sasa, tapi penakut gak kengkadang. huhhhu

tak kirelah langkah yang aku amek tu bijak ke tak, tapi aku tak mahu terlibat dengan apa2 yang sama waktu dengan berita kat mana2 media. tak kira lah niat dia baik ke tak, tapi aku tak mahu tahu. sejak aku dengar cerita bukan2 pasal mereka. huh. ngeri.
nak kate aku ni hot, memang buta lah. nak kata kaya, memang tipu ah. wallet aku pon wallet kanak2 ada gambar doremon. isk. terbagi tahu pulak.

Sunday, 10 April 2011

sibuk je aku rasa minggu ni. ape yang aku sibukkan pun aku tak tahu. mungkin banyak menyibuk ade lah. sibuk menyibuk. bila dah mula menyibuk tu, mestilah sibuk solvekan perkara yang disibukkan tu. memang serabut otak aku dibuatnye.

tentang apa?
satu hari nanti kau pasti akan tahu
aku harap "satu hari nanti" itu segera tiba
oh tidak. aku perlu segera bersedia akan ketibaan itu
kedengaran pahit
kebenaran. sedang ku telan. sukar diluah

ah. aku rasa janggal pulak sebut perkataan sibuk berkali2 ni. nak korek kamus dewan setebal 5 inci tu malas pula sebab aku rasa sangsi - betul ke wujud perkataan sibuk ni?
if nothing last forever, will you be my nothing?

Saturday, 2 April 2011

sejak dua menjak ni aku agak pemes. suka bebenor menipu. tak baik tau. dosa dah la berkepuk2. aku rasa bersyukur. appreciate sangat kat semua orang yang pernah sedang dan akan support aku main futsal. dari aku mula-mula pegang bola, sepak angin, rules futsal yang sangat simple dari netball tu pon aku tak tau sampai la skang aku dah pandai dive & terbang ala2 KFCM gitu. ade kale aku pon salah seorang penyumbang gol. haha. pujian bertimpa2 kadang2 buat aku lupa diri. bangga. tapi aku tahu tu bukan aku punya yang mutlak. meh share ramai2. haha

bila aku dah sampai tahap ni (aku kira sebagai satu permulaan bagi sebuah kejayaan. cheewah) aku rasa nak teruskan. terima pelawaan. bertubi2 sampai aku terpaksa buat pilihan. ada satu tahap aku jadi tamak. aku terima semua. ambil pengalaman katenye. inilah perkara yang aku impi-impikan sejak dari dulu. awal2 aku berkecimpung dalam kerjaya ni. kerjaya. sebut pasal kerjaya, aku tak rasa ia dah sampai ke tahap yang layak di panggil kerjaya. aku rasa ia masih di tahap HOBI. boleh bezakan sendiri kan malas pulak nak ulas panjang2.

kamu muda lagi. boleh pergi jauh. takkan nak .......................

tak sanggup plak aku nak teruskan ayat tu. hahaha. biarlah rahsia. oh ye, aku ade beli shin pad ni beberapa bulan dulu. best woah pakai. sampai koyak rabak seluar aku sebab bergesel dengan lantai court. takpelah, seluar boleh beli baru, kulit nak ganti baru merana oi. jumpa lagi di mana2 tournament. bubbyee

aku ni masih lagi amatur. jauh lagi nak sampai tahap PRO
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